Course offers

First aid course for everyone

Do you know how to behave in a life and health emergency? What to do if you witness a traffic accident? How to properly perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation or assist in choking? Can you use an AED defibrillator?

Bet on safety! Sign up for our course and benefit from our knowledge and experience.

Qualified First Aid Course

SOS Specialized Training Center has rich, long experience in conducting qualified first aid courses. We effectively prepare trainees for the state exam, ending with the title of rescuer, therefore

the course is directed to all persons operating or wishing to undertake service in units cooperating with the State Emergency Medical Service system.

In a dental office, there are many factors that can threaten a patient’s health and even life. The procedures performed, potential drug interactions or the sheer stress of the visit and pain can cause patients to experience symptoms ranging from syncope to allergic reactions to cardiac arrest.

Be prepared for any eventuality with our proprietary course!